short and (occasionally) not so short ramblings about the live music that i have "witnessed".

Thursday, April 21, 2005


szene / vienna, austria
20th apr. 2005

if i had to point the most menacing and heavy band i know, i'd probably have to say ELECTRIC WIZARD. but a very close second definitely are HIGH ON FIRE. not only do they kick ass, no, they kick ass like it's nobody's business!

hot on the trails of their new, third album the mighty HIGH ON FIRE came to town and played a monstrous incarnation of a gig. ripping through barely more than an hour's worth of heavy riff-chugging, crunchy mid-tempo walkabouts and furious growling, they left us all with a giddy feeling in our stomachs and ringing heads. the new material is even more metal-sounding than the songs from "surrounded by thieves", while not giving up half an ounce of heaviness. there's not much more that can be said about this gig, other than that it was fantastic. oh, and mr. joe preston - yes, THAT joe preston of former MELVINS glory - has stepped in to fill the hole that was left when george rice abandoned the bass.

HIGH ON FIRE also brought some friends along, namely the frenetic duo WINNEBAGO DEAL from oxford, uk. drums and a guitar - what more do you really need to rock? a mixture between ZEKE and BLACK SABBATH, infused by the early punkish sensibilities of the subpop label, WINNEBAGO DEAL were nothing to scoff at. good going, mates!


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