short and (occasionally) not so short ramblings about the live music that i have "witnessed".

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


flex / vienna, austria
13th dec. 2004

i've been following their exploits since their days as NORMAN BAILER, but like them a lot better as THE FAINT. and i finally got the chance to see them.

ironically i missed about half of their show... for various reasons, which were partly unpleasant, but in any case were a great deal more important than that concert. nevertheless, i managed to be at the venue in time to hear them rip up "i disappear". first thing i noticed: their visuals. the flex stage is fitted with a huge video-screen wall (fly-eyes) that dominates the entire length of the stage at the back. and THE FAINT had their visuals displayed over that video wall, which is about 5 meters high, while they were jumping up and down and left and right in front of it. that alone was quite a view. next thing that i noticed was that the band members danced like they timetraveled straight out of the 80ies to 2004. honestly, turn off the sound - fuckin' DURAN DURAN! still, that was a nice touch. and they did play all the essential tracks, including "call call" and "agenda suicide" and the aforementioned "i disappear". nevertheless THE FAINT looked kind of tired. guessing that this was part of the last leg of their tour it might be understandable, although i'd have wished for a more energized show. oh, well, can't have it all, can you now?


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