short and (occasionally) not so short ramblings about the live music that i have "witnessed".

Friday, December 10, 2004


arena / vienna, austria
30th nov. 2004

jeez... i'm at a loss here. this was basically my first encounter with THE END, before that i had only sampled some of their songs on various compilations and/or at friend's places. after finding out about their concert in vienna, i decided it might be worth a shot. and it was not a bad concert at all, really, but i just could not make out what's so special about THE END that everybody is raving on and on about them. pretty much just the usual mix of new school hardcore and thrash metal- y'know, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, only more credible.

a very drunk punk girl agreed with me on that. additionally she went on to explain to me how hardcore isn't even the new punk, really, but has lost all of the idealism and ideals of the "real" punk. and then she wanted to kiss me. and i would have kissed her, too - she was damn cute - if it weren't for her being so drunk that she could barely stand straight on her own... or stand at all on her own, without clutching the bar or something (in this case, she used me as support).

back to the music: what i did enjoy very much about the music was the slight witticism and a highly energetic stage presence - both rare qualitites with bands these days. i don't regret having paid for this particular concert, but i should've asked for a free ticket. wasn't really worth paying entry. still: any conert that's not entirely boring and/or bad is a concert worth watching... in general.


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